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Author:    Aesop   Author info     
RRP:   $14.99
Online Price :  $13.50
10+ Copy Price :  $12.75         
20+ Copy Price :  $12.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Classic Novel 
ISBN:   9780141345246
Published:   4/04/2013
Status:   In Stock
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.


Discover what happened to the boy who cried wolf! Many of these fables are so well known they have given us everyday phrases such as 'sour grapes' and 'dog in the manger'. But even the rarer ones seem familiar, because their simple morals reflect all aspects of human nature. From the tortoise and the hare to the mouse and the lion, the timeless wisdom and wit of Aesop's fables are as entertaining as ever. 256 pages. Plus a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, activities and more . . .


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