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Author:   Alice Hemming  
RRP:   $16.99
Online Price :  $15.30
10+ Copy Price :  $14.45         
20+ Copy Price :  $13.60
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Middle Novel 
Age:   10+ 
ISBN:   9780702311673
Published:   10/02/2022
Status:   New Release/Due April
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


When a usually prosperous kingdom is caught in the grasp of a cruel winter, the community is thrown into a terrible poverty. As winter continues—and becomes known as the Dark Curse plaguing the land—against all odds some families start to flourish again—showing wealth and comfort that seem to have appeared out of nowhere. As if by magic. But lurking beneath the surface is a frightening truth: that soon after a family miraculously pulls themselves out of poverty, they lose one of their own: a sister, a mother, an uncle, a son. In a bid to save herself from this terrible fate, a young girl called Violet flees the kingdom. But curses can never be out-run, and when, years later, Violet hears the rumour of a terrible winter once again spreading across the kingdoms!

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