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Author:   Barbara O'connor  
RRP:   $16.99
Online Price :  $15.30
10+ Copy Price :  $14.45         
20+ Copy Price :  $13.60
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Middle Novel 
ISBN:   9781250821065
Published:   5/02/2022
Status:   New Release/Due April
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Walter Tipple is looking for adventure. His big brother, Tank, always used to say, "Let's you and me go see the world, Little Man"—but Tank went to the army and never came home, and Walter doesn't know how to see the world without him. But then he meets the brash, brave new girl next door named Posey, as well as an eccentric man named Banjo who's off on a bodacious adventure of his own. What follows is a summer of mishaps, mayhem, strange quests, and strong friendships—and maybe, Walter can learn who he's supposed to be without the brother he always wanted to be like. This is a wild, adventurous, and utterly heartfelt story from the acclaimed and bestselling author Barbara O'Connor.

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