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Author:   Karol ruth Silverstein  
RRP:   $19.99
Online Price :  $18.00
10+ Copy Price :  $17.00         
20+ Copy Price :  $16.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Older Novel 
Age:   14+ 
ISBN:   9781623541835
Category:   Romance
Chronic Illness
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Published:   24/06/2021
Status:   In Stock
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.


As if her parents' divorce and sister's departure for college weren't bad enough, fourteen-year-old Ricky Bloom has just been diagnosed with a life-changing chronic illness. Her days consist of cursing everyone out, skipping school--which has become a nightmare--daydreaming about her crush, Julio, and trying to keep her parents from realizing just how bad things are. But she can't keep her ruse up forever. Ricky's afraid, angry, alone, and one suspension away from repeating ninth grade when she realizes- she can't be held back. She'll do whatever it takes to move forward--even if it means changing the person she's become. Lured out of her funk by a quirky classmate, Oliver, who's been there too, Ricky's porcupine exterior begins to shed some spines. Maybe asking for help isn't the worst thing in the world. Maybe accepting circumstances doesn't mean giving up.

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