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Author:   LM Elliott  
RRP:   $19.99
Online Price :  $18.00
10+ Copy Price :  $17.00         
20+ Copy Price :  $16.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Older Novel 
Age:   14+ 
ISBN:   9781643753515
Category:   Historical
Cold War
Berlin Wall
Published:   20/04/2023
Status:   In Stock
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.


Drew is an army brat in West Berlin, where soldiers like his dad hold an outpost of democracy against communist Russia. Drew’s cousin Matthias, an East Berliner, has grown up in the wreckage of Allied war bombing, on streets ruled by the secret police. From enemy sides of this Cold War standoff, the boys become wary friends, arguing over the space race, politics, even civil rights, but bonding over music. If informants catch Matthias with rock ’n’ roll records or books Drew has given him, he could be sent to a work camp. If Drew gets too close to an East Berliner, others on the army post may question his family’s loyalty. As the political conflict around them grows dire, Drew and Matthias are tested in ways that will change their lives forever.

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