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Author:    Disney 
RRP:   $17.99
Online Price :  $16.20
10+ Copy Price :  $15.30         
20+ Copy Price :  $14.40
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Middle Novel 
Age:   10+ 
ISBN:   9781761200205
Published:   23/06/2021
Status:   On Order
We currently have stock of this title on order with the publishers. Place your order now to secure your copy.


What if Rapunzel's mother drank a potion from the wrong flower? Desperate to save the life of their queen and her unborn child, the good citizens of the kingdom comb the land for the all-healing Sundrop flower to cure her... but someone mistakenly picks the wrong bud. It heals the queen and she delivers a healthy baby girl—with hair as silver as the moon. But with her mysterious hair comes dangerous magical powers: the power to hurt, not heal. So, Rapunzel is locked away in a tower under the care of the powerful goodwife, Mother Gothel. For eighteen years, Rapunzel stays imprisoned, knowing she must protect everyone from her magical hair. When she finally leaves the tower, she gets caught up in an unexpected adventure. Rapunzel learns that there is far more to her story, her magical hair and her future than she ever


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