We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.
The online price price is only for orders placed via our website at www.pegiwilliams.com.au
This price does not apply to phone, post or email orders
How to get 15% discount on your purchases
Orders placed via our web site for 10 or more copies of a title will receive 15% discount (normally 10%), with NO
Postage/Delivery fee regardless of the size of the order.
Please note the conditions that apply to the 15% discount:
The discount is for school web site accounts only (NOT
retail buyers).
Only for orders placed via our web site.
Orders compiled on the web site, then submitted via phone, post or email DO NOT qualify for the
15% discount.
Remember that you are not required to pay for your orders
via the internet. A 30 day tax invoice will be issued for cheque or electronic
Only the titles ordered in quantities of 10 or more
are discounted by 15%. All other titles are discounted by 10%.
How to get 20% discount on your purchase
Orders placed via our web site for 20 or more copies of a Class Set title will receive 20% discount (normally 10%),
with NO Postage/Delivery fee regardless of the size of the order.
Please note the conditions that apply to the 20% discount:
The discount is for school web site accounts only (NOT
retail buyers).
Only for orders placed via our web site.
Orders compiled on the web site, then submitted via phone, post or email DO NOT qualify for the
15% discount.
Remember that you are not required to pay for your orders
via the internet. A 30 day tax invoice will be issued for cheque or electronic
Only the titles ordered in quantities of 20 or more are discounted
by 20%.
All other Class Set titles are discounted by 15% for 10+ copies, or 10% for 1-9 copies.
Individual title availability is updated three times a week, so reports are normally accurate.
From time to time however, we can have multiple orders come in between
website updates so availability reports for a short period of time may be inaccurate, which means a title listed as "In Stock" may need to go to backorder.
This edition of this book is currently Out Of Print (unavailable)
Click NO if you do not wish to proceed with adding this title to your order
Click YES if you'd like us to look for an alterative edition and/or register your backorder for us to supply in the event of a reprint