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Series:   LUNA'S WORLD
Author:   Hayley Gannon  
Illustrator:   Michelle Conn  
RRP:   $14.99
Online Price :  $12.75
10+ Copy Price :  $12.75         
20+ Copy Price :  $12.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Australian Novel 
Age:   7+ 
ISBN:   9781922992765
Category:   Reading
Published:   24/01/2025
Status:   New Release/Due April
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Hi, I'm Luna! This diary you're reading? My mum's idea. She said it will help me to focus. You see, my mind is always racing with a million thoughts! I'm going to use this diary to show you EVERYTHING that's going on in my world ... Luna Merrian is a ten-year-old with BIG dreams. This year, Luna is desperate to become a library monitor. AKA a Little Librarian! The only problem? Her school enemy: Jade Jones. There can only be ONE Little Librarian from their class, and Luna has to prove she's the best person for the job. But the contest between Luna and Jade reveals parts of Luna she's not proud of ... Will Luna ever achieve her library dream?

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