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Pegi Williams Book Shop Owner
Favourite Children's Fiction Titles:
Victor Kelleher's Master of the Grove, Roald Dahl's Matilda and
John Marsden's So Much to Tell You
Favourite Children's Fiction Authors:
John Marsden, Roald Dahl and Emily Rodda
Favourite Children's Picture Books:
Dear Zoo, Time for Bed, Two Frogs, Oscar Got the Blame, Counting
on Frank, Brian Wildsmith's Christmas and Easter Story
Favourite Children's Picture Book Authors:
Mem Fox, Graeme Base and Pamela Allen
Favourite Children's Illustrators:
Brian Wildsmith, Graeme Base and Eric Carle
Favourite Movies:
Dead Poet's Society, Power of One, Monty Python, Groundhog Day,
Favourite Quotes:
''If you've enjoyed this half as much as me, I've enjoyed it twice
as much as you''
(very silly but it's always amused me!)
Favourite Food:
Indian Curry
Favourite Drink:
Red Wine
Marathon Running and other Endurance Events, Local Government,
Reading, Dinner Parties, AFL (Played and Coached 350+ games for
Years at Pegi Williams Book Shop: