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Author:   Waka T Brown  
RRP:   $14.99
Online Price :  $13.50
10+ Copy Price :  $12.75         
20+ Copy Price :  $12.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Middle Novel 
ISBN:   9780063017122
Published:   13/12/2021
Status:   New Release/Due April
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


When twelve-year-old Waka's parents suspect she can't understand the basic Japanese they speak to her, they make a drastic decision to send her to Tokyo to live for several months with her strict grandmother. Forced to say goodbye to her friends and what would have been her summer vacation, Waka is plucked from her straight-A-student life in rural Kansas and flown across the globe, where she faces the culture shock of a lifetime. In Japan, Waka struggles with reading and writing in kanji, doesn't quite mesh with her complicated and distant Obaasama, and gets made fun of by the students in her Japanese public-school classes. Even though this is the country her parents came from, Waka has never felt more like an outsider. If she's always been the "smart Japanese girl" in America but is now the "dumb foreigner" in Japan, where is home...and who will Waka be when she finds it

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