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Author:   Jean Webster  
RRP:   $16.99
Online Price :  $15.30
10+ Copy Price :  $14.45         
20+ Copy Price :  $13.60
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Classic Novel 
ISBN:   9780141331119
Published:   9/02/2006
Status:   Subject To Availability
This title has not been ordered recently, therefore the availability with the publisher is unknown. This title is likely to be available, publishers will either supply stock immediately or provide a status report. This title can be ordered.


A trustee of the John Grier orphanage has offered to send Judy Abbott to college. The only requirements are that she must write to him every month and that she can never know who he is. Judy's life at college is a whirlwind of friends, classes, parties and a growing friendship with the handsome Jervis Pendleton. With so much happening in her life, Judy can scarcely stop writing to 'Daddy-Long-Legs', or wondering who her mysterious benefactor is.

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