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Author:   Sandy Bigna  
RRP:   $16.99
Online Price :  $15.30
10+ Copy Price :  $14.45         
20+ Copy Price :  $13.60
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Australian Novel 
ISBN:   9780702268878
Category:   Verse Novel
Published:   12/12/2024
Status:   New Release/Due March
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Since the accident, eleven-year-old Bones spends her time drawing animal skeletons and scavenging for dead things to add to her collection. She's drifted away from her friends and doesn't want to make new ones, especially not with her chatty new neighbour, Tenny. One night, under a full moon, Bones accidentally resurrects the skeleton of a baby bird. Bird wants to return to his natural (dead) state, so Bones agrees to reverse the curse - not that she knows how. As she and Bird work out the secrets of the magic, Bones remembers what it's like to have a friend. How can she let Bird go when she doesn't want to say goodbye?

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