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Author:   Lauren Roberts  
RRP:   $24.99
Online Price :  $21.25
10+ Copy Price :  $21.25         
20+ Copy Price :  $20.00
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Older Novel 
Age:   16+ 
ISBN:   9781398543454
Category:   Dystopian
Published:   26/02/2025
Status:   New Release/Due April
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Paedyn Gray and Kai Azer return to the Kingdom of Ilya... ? ? And Paedyn has a life-altering choice to make. Whatever she decides will determine her fate – and the fate of those around her – forever. ? ? In the ultimate battle of love and loyalty, who wins?

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