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Author:   Meredith McLaren 
Illustrator:   Andrea Bell  
RRP:   $22.99
Online Price :  $18.39
10+ Copy Price :  $18.39         
20+ Copy Price :  $18.39
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Graphic Novel 
Age:   9+ 
ISBN:   9781643753164
Category:   Graphic Novel
Published:   24/12/2024
Status:   New Release/Due March
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Emily, her mom, and her aunt Gina have a very special magical power: they can bake emotions into the desserts they sell at their family bakery. There is only one rule: never bake a bad feeling. But when Aunt Gina dies in an accident, Emily's life is turned upside down. Not knowing what to do, Emily breaks the rule and bakes her bad feelings into… a crumble. It looks gross. Her best friend, Dae, says it tastes gross. But they can't stop eating it and neither can Emily's classmates. With her grief and pain baked into the crumble, Emily gets the comfort of being at least a little numb. But baking (and eating) bad feelings doesn't really make them go away…

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