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Series:   ALL ACCESS
Author:   Compilation  
RRP:   $14.99
Online Price :  $13.50
10+ Copy Price :  $12.75         
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   General Information 
ISBN:   9781761643330
Category:   Sport
Published:   23/12/2024
Status:   In Stock
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.


Get to know the real Lionel Messi in the biography that's packed with awesome facts, stats, trivia and more! Follow Lionel's all-star journey from his start in youth leagues at just thirteen years old to becoming a World Cup champion. It's all inside this book – everything you want to know about Lionel's records and stats, plus the scoop on his family, teammates, rivals and fans. You'll even discover all his faves - foods, training tips, career highlights and much more! With eight pages of full-colour photos, this book is set to score a winning goal!


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