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Author:   Kiri Lightfoot    Author info     
Illustrator:   Kimberly Andrews  
RRP:   $16.99
Online Price :  $15.30
10+ Copy Price :  $14.45         
Format:   Paperback 
Type of Book:   Overseas Picture Book 
ISBN:   9781775437130
Category:   Determination
Self Belief
Published:   5/07/2021
Status:   Subject To Availability
This title has not been ordered recently, therefore the availability with the publisher is unknown. This title is likely to be available, publishers will either supply stock immediately or provide a status report. This title can be ordered.


“What’s out there, where the sea meets the sky?” “No penguin has been there.”nbsp; “I might,” said Ming. nbsp; Ming lives in Antarctica and is curious to visit the place where the ocean meets the sky. She leaps onto an iceberg as it breaks away from the ice shelf. As the iceberg drifts into warmer oceans, it gets smaller… and smaller… and Ming is all alone in the big blue sea. Finally rescued by a kindly whale and delivered home, her adventurous spirit is undiminished. “What’s up there, where the mountains meet the sky?” Enter Albert Ross, the albatross…

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