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Author:   Samantha Helle  
RRP:   $12.99
Online Price :  $10.39
10+ Copy Price :  $10.39         
Format:   Hardback 
Type of Book:   General Information 
ISBN:   9781838993252
Category:   Conservation
Published:   31/10/2023
Status:   In Stock
We currently have stock of this title. Please note our website is updated every 24 hours so status reports are occasionally inaccurate depending upon orders received within that timeframe.


You might know that tigers are the largest of the big cats, but there's so much more to learn about these incredible predators! Discover why tigers have stripes, what makes them stick out their tongue, and how they can survive in habitats ranging from snowy Siberia to the tropical rainforest of Indonesia. You'll also discover what it takes to become a tiger zoologist - including learning how to track a tiger using its paw prints! Filled with simple science and plenty of animal facts, this book also looks at the conservation challenges these iconic animals face.

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