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Author:   Kirsten Ealand  
Illustrator:   Deb Hudson  
RRP:   $29.95
Online Price :  $26.96
10+ Copy Price :  $25.46         
Format:   Hardback 
Type of Book:   Australian Picture Book 
ISBN:   9781922081094
Category:   Swimming
Published:   22/08/2024
Status:   New Release/Due October
We have stocks of this title on order, however it has not yet been published. The month of release is shown and it will be supplied to you once released by the publishers.


Little Francie feels capable and confident in the water, so when she watches her bigger cousins diving like gannets from the diving boards at the local pool, she wants to do it too. But can she be a gannet if she cannot even dive? Like A Gannet is a story about aiming for the stars, or in this case the highest diving board. A fresh take on a first experience story, it depicts the joy of swimming and the universal excitement and apprehension of that first time on the diving board. This story is inspired by memories of being a child who wasn't very sporty but who felt capable and graceful in the water. Just like a gannet, whose short legs and webbed feet make them slow, clumsy waddlers on land, but who transform into Queens of the Sea when they dive. Cheer Francie on as she faces the challenge her own way in this joyous celebration of summer days at the pool, cousins and one little fledgling who wants to be a gannet.

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